Innovation Enabled. Mission Driven Solutions. Delivering Results.

PORTAL Technologies Corporation is an SBA-certified small business delivering transformative enterprise services for complex systems, platforms, software, and processes.

We build strong partnerships with clients, delivering tailored strategies and adaptive solutions that align with your mission, goals and evolving needs.

Since 1991, we have provided innovative and trusted IT leadership with a proven history of success in diverse market segments across domains, business models, and technologies.

Clients, and Partners Value our:

  • Commitment to Service, Excellence, Strong Partnerships, Integrity, and Mutual Respect

  • Continual Dedication to Understanding our Client’s Objectives, People, Processes, Policies, and Related Governance

  • Applying our Experience and Subject Matter Expertise for Over 30 Years

  • Strong Communications Practices

  • Broad and Deep Understanding of Enabling Technologies

  • Relentless Attention to Detail

U.S. Census Bureau, Decennial, Economic, Geography, Maps, File Conversion Engines, 2030 Census, Frames, DICE, EDL, CEDSCI, Research and Development, Records Linkage, Entity Resolution, Mobile Solutions, Agile Cloud Services, Vision, Strategy, Architecture, Engineering, Development, Integration, COMPASS, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AWS, Azure, Migration, Transition, Digital Transformation
USDA, Strategic Advisory Services, Records Linkage, Entity Resolution, Vision, Strategy, Architecture, Engineering, Development, Integration, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
National Flood Insurance Program, NFIP, Migration, Transition
Submarine, ELCADD, Electronic Document and Drawing Management, Document Management, Electric Boat
Duquesne Light, Database Optimization, Software Development, Architecture, Engineering

PORTAL’s team did a phenomenal job, demonstrating an exceptional understanding of requirements, creativity, thoroughness, and quality.

Federal Civilian Client

Since 1991, The Electric Boat Electronic Capture and Distribution of Documents (ELCADD) system has continued to deliver for the U.S. Navy.

Commercial Client

100% Outstanding Performance Evaluation

  • Quality of Technical Approach
  • Effective and Efficient Use of Resources
  • Effective and Efficient Use of Subcontractors
  • Quality of Performance/Customer Satisfaction
  • Business Behavior
  • Communications
  • Timeliness of Performance
  • Understanding of Requirements
Federal Civilian Client

I thoroughly enjoyed all of the technical discussions with PORTAL’s  team. Their dedication, and commitment to our project and organization were simply exceptional.

Federal Civilian Client

PORTAL’s performance was exemplary. Their comprehensive alternatives analyses, software architecture, engineering, and development including presentations for gaining Architectural Review Board (ARB) Approval were excellent.

Federal Civilian Client

PORTAL successfully led the migration and transition of FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Migrating all IT systems and transitioning over 150 personnel including Finance, Claims Underwriting, Outreach, Architecture and Enginering, Quality Management, Infrastructure, Systems Development and production systems control to learn their new operational roles and responsibilities.

Federal Civilian Client